The workshop aims at gathering scientists interested in the geological, physical and (bio-) chemical processes of serpentinization and the life it sustains, its impact on development of mineral resources, of new energy sources and the environmental and societal impact of serpentine exploration and exploitation.
The workshop will be held in the Hotel Vis a Vis [] offering a great sea view on the gulf of Sestri Levante, 40 km east of Genova and accessible by train from the airports of Genova, Pisa and Milano.
This site is located in an area surrounded by excellent exposures of oceanic serpentinites and ophicarbonates, as well as high-pressure serpentinite that experienced subduction-zone metamorphism.
1 - Serpentinite and tectonics
2 - Serpentinite in seismicity
3 – Ophiolites and drilling projects as field observatories
4 - Serpentinization and geochemical cycling
5 - Serpentinite-hosted deep biosphere
6 - Serpentinization in early Earth and beyond Earth
7- Geo-hazard of Natural Occurrences of Asbestos
8- Economic aspects of serpentine
A 2-days, post-workshop optional field trip is organized in the Northern Apennines and in the Ligurian Alps. The excursions will be daily and participants will remain settled at Vis a Vis hotel in Sestri Levante.
Further info at: