information for presenters

Dear Presenter, here several points to keep in mind to present your works at forams.


Oral presentation

  • prepare you presentation in ppt (office 365 preferred, or office 2016) or pdf;

  • presentations can be in either 4:3 or 16:9

  • oral presentations are scheduled with 10 minutes of slideshow and 5 minutes of questions. Let's work together to have a syncronized conference to allow participants to switch halls if they wish to follow presentations in different sessions.

  • if you are a student presenter and you wish to take part at the Student best Oral Presentation Contest, please add this logo to your presentation.

Poster presentations

  • poster will be on display for the entire week

  • you can hang your poster already from sunday afternoon and dismount it latest on friday afternoon after the closing ceremony.

  • poster will be hung by pins that will be provided on site

  • poster boards can host A0 portrait prints

  • poster sessions will take place each day during coffe breaks for a total of 8 hours, make sure you attend at your poster at least at the poster session immediately after the Oral slots of your session.

  • if you are a student presenter and you wish to take part at the Student best Poster Presentation Contest, please add this logo to your poster presentation.

  • Poster printing service is available. 15 Euros for standard printing paper, 25 Euros for photoquality paper. PAyment can be done on site in Cash (Receipt will be given). Send us a wetransfer link ( and specify if you wish to have the standard or photoquality. Please send your link by the 20th of June so we can have time to print your poster. PDF, TIFF or JPEG files only.