Research Projects

Progetti attivi – Running projects

Biota resilience to global change: biomineralization of planktic and benthic calcifiers in the past, present and future. PRIN program for reconstructing the behavior of planktonic and benthic communities at the turn of the most important environmental crises of the Phanerozoic. Scientist involved: Briguglio A.

BOOST-Bridging Onshore-Offshore STructures at the Pacific Coast of north Victoria Land (Antarctica): an integrated approach. PNRA2019 research program in Antarctica. PI Crispini L.

BRITEs- Byproduct Recycling: Innovative TEchnology from the Sea. MUR project ithat ntends to fully recycle wastes from the sea urchin food industry and reconvert them in high added-value products, as innovative matrix for tissue regeneration and novel feeds to promote aquaculture systems. Scientists involved: Asnaghi V., Chiantore M.

CIRCLES - Controlling Microbiomes Circulations For Better Food Systems. European project running from November 2018 to October 2023. 30 Eu institutions join plan solutions for future food challenges by investigating the potential of microbes in the food system.

Dynamics and timescales of volcanic plumbing systems: a multidisciplinary approach to a multifaceted problem. 3 years PRIN project investigates the magmatic plumbing systems to constrain the dynamics of volcanic plumbing systems, from magma storage conditions to eruption. It integrates experiments with numerical modeling, and application of Artificial Intelligence algorithms. Scientist involved: Belmonte D.

EcoeFISHent. H2020 project for deploying climate-neutral, circular economy solutions through multilevel and synergic circular value chains for eco-efficient valorization of fishing and fish industries. Aim is obtaining food supplements, skin care products, biodegradable and compostable barrier layer for food packaging, soil fertilizer, oil for biodiesel and chitin for cosmetic applications. PI: Grasselli E.

ECOlogical building enveLOPES. H2020 innovative game-changing approach for regenerative urban ecosystems. It aims at transforming the coatings of buildings into live environments hosting multi-species of plants, animals (mankind included) and microbiota. ECOLOPES will help in planning new urban environment and technologies so that nature and buildings co-exist. Coordinator, Technische Universitaet Muenchen; Partner UniGe PI: Roccotiello E.

EMODnet4 The European Marine Observation and Data Network. Network of European institutions, supported by the Integrated Maritime Policy of the European Union with the goal of reworking and make  freely available and interoperable the available data on the geology and cartography of marine areas. 

FINNOVER. Alcotra Italy/France project for innovative strategies for developing cross-border supply chains for companies targeting the cultivation of saprotrophic mushrooms for nutrition and therapeutic properties. Involeved scientist: Zotti M.

Geochemical map of Liguria. Sampling, processing and visualization of the geochemistry of the Ligurian territory based on stream sediments. Scientist involved: Vetuschi Zuccolini M.….

Geological mapping, including submerged areas, geological sheet 245 Albenga (emerged and submerged area) at a scale of 1: 50,000. ISPRA - CARG program. PI: Crispini L.

GEREMIA GEstione dei REflui per il MIglioramento delle Acque portuali. This project is part of the Interreg Italy-France maritime 2014-2020 program and establishes a cross-border cooperation plan for monitoring and managing the quality of port waters. The ports involved have been Genoa, Olbia, La Spezia and Toulon. PI: Capello M.

Impact of the Mario Zucchelli scientific Station on macro-benthic natural capital, beta diversity and connectivity in the Ross Sea (Antarctica). PNRA program. Scientist Involved: Vassallo P.

IRIS. Collaborative project funded in the frame of the Joint Programming Initiative on Cultural Heritage and Global Change Horizon 2020 program. It aims at demonstrating how knowledge of historical processes and land use supports the conservation and development of upland landscapes and provide guidelines to preserve historical and natural heritage. Scientist involved: Salvidio S.

LARK - Linking the Rennick and Aviator Fault Kinematics. PNRA project studying the age and kinematics of the Rennick and Aviator active faults in North Victoria Land (Antarctica). The results will be integrated into a tectonic-kinematic model and framed within the global tectonics of the south polar region. PI: Federico L. 

LIFEorchids.LIFE Project to counteract the current decline of wild orchids by restoring the grasslands and reintroducing orchids in park areas (Parco del Po, Piedmont and Park of Portofino, Liguria). PI: Cornara L.

Lost Coral Reefs. Ancient deep-sea bioherms in a modern world. Exploration and characterization of the bathyal coral areas of the Ligurian Sea. Curiosity driven, University of Genova. PI: Bo M 

Mare Caldo. Research program in cooperation with Greenpeace for creating a national sea temperature monitoring network and to assess the effects of climate change on marine ecosystems. PI: Monefalcone M.…

Marine Animal Forest of the world (MAF-WORLD). Aim is creating an innovative and advanced network to share know-how and provide a common strategic platform, protocols and actions for the conservation of Marine Animal Forests in Europe and in the world.CA20102. PI: Montefalcone M.

Marine forest coastal restoration. H2020 project for an underwater gardening of coastal marine environments for building a low-carbon, climate resilient future. Scientist involved: Vassallo P.

Marine Strategy Deep 2021-2023. Monitoring and health status assessment of bathyal cold-water coral reefs and roche du large communities. MATTM, ISPRA and CONISMA. Scientist involved: Bo M.

MATRAC-ACP. INTERREG project developing an adaptive sampling system based on a mobile platform for the geochemical characterization of the waters of the port of Genoa. Scientist involved: Vetuschi Zuccolini M.

Oceanic Megatransforms a New Class of Plate Boundaries. 3 years PRIN project investigates formation and evolution of megatransforms and the accretionary processes at their intersection with ridges. Two international cruises are planned at the equatorial Mid Atlantic Ridge. Scientist involved: Belmonte D.

Parco Eolico Sicilia 2021-2022. Biocoenotic characterization of the deep sea environment of the Sicily Channel. Stazione Zoologica di Napoli. Scientist involved: Bo M.

Pinna. 4 years LIFE project on conservation, monitoring and re-stocking of the Pinna nobilis in the western Mediterranean and Adriatic seas. Insertion of juvenile individuals and reproduction under controlled conditions. Scientists involved: Asnaghi V., Chiantore M.

POligEnetic Mélanges: anatomy, significance and societal impact. PRIN 2020. Responsible scientist Crispini L.

QUALIPORTI. The project is part of the Interreg Italy-France maritime 2014-2020 program. It is a pilot action for monitoring to the quality and bioremediation of seawater in the Port of Cavo (Elba Island). An absorbent cream enriched in micro- and macro-fungi is employed used to extract contaminants from seawater.

Reconect. Regenerating Ecosystem with nature-based solutions for hydro-meteorological risk reduction. H2020 program to rapidly enhance the European reference framework on Nature-Based Solutions (NBS) for hydro-meteorological risk reduction by demonstrating, referencing, upscaling and exploiting large-scale NBS in rural and natural areas. Scientists involved: Faccini F., Roccotiello E.

REEForest. 4 years LIFE project on the restoration of Cystoseria macroalgal forests to enhance biodiversity along Mediterranean rocky reefs. Scientists involved: Asnaghi V., Chiantore M.

Restoration of Posidonia oceanica meadows in the Gulf of Tigullio. Project restoring degraded Posidonia oceanica prairie (Tigullio Gulf), promoting and implementing methods for transplantation. MIUR, INCENT_EU "Mission 1, Promoting Competitiveness". PI: Montefalcone M.

SARI. Network di sorveglianza ambientale per la presenza del SARS-CoV-2 nelle acque reflue urbane. Coordinato dall’Istituto Superiore di Sanità. Responsabile UniGe: Grasselli E.…

SEDITERRA. The project is part of the Interreg Italy-France maritime 2014-2020 and aims at cleaning of port sediments with micoremediation. PI: Capello M.

SINAPSI - asSIstenza alla Navigazione per l’Accesso ai Porti in Sicurezza. The project is part of the Interreg Italy-France maritime 2014-2020 program and aims at creating an automated system for monitoring port dynamics to allow safe move and moor ships in ports. PI: Capello M.

Sostenibilità per l'ambiente e la salute dei cittadini nelle città portuali in Italia. Assessment, monitoring and mitigation of noise and atmospheric pollution in Italian port cities with Nature-based Solutions. Ministry of Health “Health-Environment-Biodiversity-Climate. Scientist involved: Roccotiello E.

SPlasH! Stop alle Plastiche in H2O! The project is part of the Interreg Italy-France maritime 2014-2020 and aims analyzing for the first time the presence, origin and dynamics of microplastics in the ports of Genoa, Olbia and Toulon.

SPlasH & Co - Stop alle Plastiche in H2O ai tempi del Covid.The project is part of the Interreg Italy-France maritime 2014-2020 and aims at studying the state of the port environment during and after the Covid-19 pandemic   

Stonewallforlife. LIFE project showing how constructing dry stone walls using an ancient technology is a multi-purpose adaptation tool that highly improves resilience of the territory to climate change. PI: Cevasco A.

Thales - High-stress earthquakes by faulting of deep dry rocks. Cross disciplinary 2020 Prin Cofin focused on the genesis and propagation of earthquakes in dry continental and oceanic lithosphere using natural rocks hosting fossil seismic structures, laboratory experiments and on-site geophysical measurements. Responsible for UniGe: Scambelluri M.

The Dynamic Mass Transfer from slabs to arcs - Dynastars. 2017 Prin Cofin project (n. 2017ZE49E7) on the chemical transfer of fluids and silicate melts into the mantle at subduction zones and the major physical and chemical changes associated with this mass transfer process in terms of volcanic products and mantle rheology. Scientists: Scambelluri M., Rampone E.

ULVA: TOMORROW’S “WHEAT OF THE SEA”, A MODEL FOR AN INNOVATIVE MARICULTURE. 4 years, SeaWheat COST Action that aims at making a step-change towards a green economy based on Ulva mass production and utilization within the European community and beyond. Major goal is the development of Ulva-based blue-biotech industries and utilization of Ulva as a model organism in European algaculture. Scientists involved: Asnaghi V., Chiantore M.

Progetti conclusi – Expired projects - Last 5 years

ALIM. The program proposed solutions to improve and implement the EU Regulation 1143/2014 for preventing the introduction of invasive alien species and the management of the propagation of these species. January 2017- December 2020. Scientists involved: Mariotti M, Minuto L., Casazza G.

BsalEUROPE. Mitigating Batrachochytrium salamandrivorans in Europe.The program has been addressed at protecting European urodelan species against the devastating effects of Bsal. Urgent measures have been established for preventing the further entry of this amphibian pathogen into Europe and for minimizing the impact of Bsal. Scientists involved: Grasselli E., Salvidio S.

CLIMACTIONS. Adattamento e mitigazione ai Cambiamenti CLIMAtici: intervenTI urbani per la promOzioNe della Salute. Centro nazionale per la prevenzione e il controllo delle malattie (CCM) – Study of heat wave mitigation scenarios using Nature-Based solutions (green infrastructures) to improve the quality of life of the resident population over 65. Scientists involved: Roccotiello E., Perini K.

COBIODIV. Knowing BIODIVersity and ecosystems to protect the environment. The program investigated the biodiversity of the western alpine territory across the Italian - French border (ALCOTRA) by identifying a list of species and ecosystems, by establishing common monitoring protocols, inventories and evaluation procedures of NATURA 2000 sites. Duration: january 2019- january 2022. Scientists involved: Mariotti M, Minuto L, Dagnino D, Turcato C.…

GEBIODIV. Managing BIODIVersity of Alpine protected areas. Sharing of the most updated methods of management and control of factors eroding biodiversity, to promote concrete interventions for environmental redevelopment in the western transalpine territory (ALCOTRA). Duration: September 2019-September 2022. Scientists involved: Mariotti M, Dagnino D, Turcato C.…

G-IDEA Geo Ice Dynamics of East Antarctica. The 2016 PNRA project G-IDEA improved the understanding of relationship between the main geodynamic domain of East Antarctica and northern Victoria Land, and to explore the role of the Rennick Geodynamic Belt.…

MaGIC 1 and 2 -Marine Geohazards along the Italian Coasts. The project has been supported by Civil Protection and was framed in the context of a Programme Agreement with the National Research Council - CNR- CoNISMa. It produced 1:50,000 geological maps covering the sea bottom offshore central-southern Italy, Sicily, Sardinia and Liguria (maps downloadable from the Civil Protection platform). PI: Morelli D.…

Maregot - MAnagement des Risques de l'Erosion cotière et actions de GOuvernance Transfrontalière. Prevention and management of risks of coastal erosion. The project improved knowledge of coastal erosion and the consequent morphological and hydrodynamic evolution, identifing optimal interventions for the costal risks and their management. Scientists involved: Ferrari M., Montefalcone M.

M in M - Melt-rock reaction and melt migration in the MORB mantle. 3 years PRIN project (Prot. 2015C5LN35) funded by the Italian Ministry of Education and Research. The project explored the heterogeneity of the MORB mantle by studying the relationships between melt genesis, migration and extraction through a multidisciplinary approach integrating field-based, geochemical and isotopic studies and experimental investigations. PI: Rampone E.

MosSkin - Lightweight moss cladding systems for buildings. Creation of a pre-industrial prototype of systems for building envelopes using moss whose composition and ecological substrate improve energy efficiency and removal of fine dust from the environment.Duration: December 2020 - May 2021. SCientists involved: Perini K., Roccotiello E., Turcato C., Castellari P., Giachetta A.

REGGAE. Tectonic history of the REnnick Graben (Antarctica). The 2016 REGGAE multinational project (Italy, University of Genova and IGG-CNR-Pisa; Germany, BGR-Hannover and Uni. Bremen; UK, NERC-BAS) aimed at sharing scientific data and logistic support in Antarctica. Goal has been the understanding of the crustal architecture and evolution of the northern Victoria Land by focusing on the Rennick Graben region. Scientists involved: Crispini L., Federico L.

RE.LIFE. LIFE program aimed at the re-establishment of the Ribbed Limpet (Patella ferruginea) in Ligurian MPAs by restocking and controlled reproduction. The project reintroduced the gastropod Patella ferruginea along the Ligurian coasts through reproduction techniques in a controlled environment, developing innovative breeding protocols. Scientists involved: Asnaghi V. Chiantore M. (Project Number: LIFE15 NAT/IT/000771)

ROC-POP - Promoting biodiversity enhancement by Restoration Of Cystoseira POPulations. This 4 years LIFE project restored two populations of macroalgae (genus Cystoseira s.l.) in two Italian marine protected areas, Cinque Terre (Ligurian Sea) and Miramare (North Adriatic) by developing ad hoc cultivation protocols and planting techniques. Scientists involved: Asnaghi V. Chiantore M.

ROSS-BMP. Ross Sea Benthic Monitoring Program. Italian National Antarctic Program project (PNRA18_00263) focusing on new non-destructive and machine-learning approaches for the analysis of benthos patterns and dynamics.

ROSS-MODE. Italian National Antarctic Program project (PNRA18_00078) focusing on the Ross Sea biodiversity Monitoring through barcoding, metabarcoding and environmental-DNA molecular analyses.

VIVALDI. Horizon 2020 project preventing and Mitigating farmed Bivalve Diseases (VIVALDI)

WHALESAFE. WHALE protection from Strike by Active cetaceans detection and alarm issue to ships and FErries in pelagos sanctuary (LIFE13 NAT/IT/001061)

Last update 26 November 2022