A red bench at DiSTAV to show attention to gender-based violence

On 4 December, in a kind of flash mob, academics and students together painted in red two benches around the presidence of the MFN School of Science.

The red bench is a symbol of feminicide and indicates the void that the murdered woman left within the community. The red bench in a space highly frequented by students and the academic community represents a silent but powerful reminder, a lighthouse: always in sight, surrounded and used by our young people. A reminder for us all, that silently makes us think of those who are no longer there, and that can give the strength, to those who need it, to take that step to denounce a situation of suffering, as difficult as it is indispensable.

Translated with DeepL.com (free version)


La panchina rossa in uno spazio altamente frequentato da studenti e dalla comunità accademica ritengo sia un richiamo silenzioso ma potente, un faro: sempre sotto gli occhi, contornato e utilizzato dai nostri giovani. Un richiamo per noi tutti, che silenziosamente ci fa pensare a chi non c’è più e che può dare la forza, a chi ne ha la necessità, di fare quel passo per denunciare una situazione di sofferenza, tanto difficile quanto indispensabile.

Last update 11 December 2024