For schools

The Department of Earth, Environmental and Life Sciences (DISTAV) is engaged in numerous dissemination and training activities, with the aim of disseminating the culture of Geological Sciences, Biological Sciences, and Environmental and Natural Sciences at all levels, from students to teachers, trying to spark interest and highlight the roles of geology, biology, and environmental and natural sciences in everyday life.

Scientific dissemination concerns training and orientation, with initiatives aimed at increasing knowledge of disciplines related to the Earth, Environmental and Life Sciences. Many of these initiatives are part of broader projects, such as the Scientific Degree Project (Progetto Lauree Scientifiche) and the School-Work Alternation (Alternanza Scuola-Lavoro; recently termed as Percorsi per le Competenze Trasversali e per l’Orientamento – PCTO). Furthermore, at the request of teachers interested in deepening specific topics, DISTAV professors and researchers carry out seminars on scientific and cultural topics either at school or DISTAV headquarters.

To book a meeting/seminar, or other training/orientation activities, visit the School Portal.

Representatives for orientation activities:

Representatives for PLS and PCTO activities:

Last update 5 December 2022