CoNISMa - National Interuniversity Consortium for Marine Sciences, established in 1994, is currently made up of 35 Italian universities.

CoNISMa carries out research projects, training and other scientific and applicative activities in the field of Marine Sciences. The Consortium was created to encourage collaboration not only between the consortium universities, but also between universities, national and international public and private research organizations, local and territorial bodies, production structures. It is organized into thematic networks equipped with structures and instrumental equipment capable of aggregating expertise on specific issues, creating a significant added value compared to the ability of individuals. This networked organization makes CoNISMa an indispensable tool to make the most of different skills in the Sciences of the Sea through an interconnected system, to stimulate comparison and coordination between universities on aspects of particular interest for the development of knowledge, innovation and technology transfer and, more generally, for the development of the country's competitiveness in the international scenario.

Last update 17 June 2022