Special needs or learning disabilities

DISTAV, in line with Genoa University, encourages the full participation in educational and training activities of students with special needs and specific learning disorders (DSA).

The relevant figures are:

The Disability and DSA Support Services Sector (Settore servizi di supporto alla disabilità e agli studenti con DSA).
Orientation, tutoring and career service area
Career service and support services for disability and students with DSA Piazza della Nunziata, 6 - 3rd floor
16124 Genoa
Tel. +39 010 209 51530 Tel. +39 010 209 51966 Tel. +39 010 209 5646
E-mail: dsa@segreterie.unige.it
Web page: https://unige.it/disabilita-dsa

the Rector Delegate for University inclusion of students with disabilities and with DSA, Prof. Mirella Zanobini - delegatodisabili@unige.it

The Department Contact Person, Prof. Sara Ferrando - sara.ferrando@unige.it

The services provided are
-  informative/knowing Individual interviews 
- Person accompaniment
- Augmentative and alternative communication, facilitated communication (WOCE)
- Italian sign language interpreting (LIS)
- Entrusting on loan of aids and software
- Compensatory tools and dispensatory measures
- Peer tutoring and educational peer tutoring
- Other specific support services to be activated as needed

Activation of these services can be requested as indicated here https://unige.it/disabilita-dsa/studenti-disabilit%C3%A0-informazioni-u…
and in any case can be discussed and planned with the reference figures listed above.

Other useful information can be found at the link https://unige.it/disabilita-dsa

Last update 9 June 2022