LOCATION: Palazzo delle Scienze, 1st Floor, Room I.013
The research topics are focused on applied and environmental mineralogy with particular reference to: a) physico-chemical properties of minerals; b) interactions between minerals and supergenic/hypogenic fluids; c) environmental impact and geoheritage values of abandoned mining sites; d) Acid Mine Drainage processes; e) asbestos and other fibrous minerals; f) relationships between mineralogical composition and ecotoxic metals in rocks, soils and sediments; g) minerals-biosphere interactions; h) mineralogy and cultural heritage with particular reference to cements, mortars, concretes and pigments.
ESEARCH GROUP MEMBERS: Prof. Pietro Marescotti, Prof.ssa Cristina Carbone, Dott.ssa Fedra Gianoglio
LINK TO RESEARCH LINES, PROJECTS AND PUBLICATIONS: https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Pietro-Marescotti https://orcid.org/0000-0002-9460-1688
- OLYMPUS BX-41 polarizing microscope equipped with 2x, 4x, 10x, 20x, 40x objectives and OLYMPUS COLOR VIEW II-SET camera.
- MIRAZOOM MZ902 USB digital microscope (20-200x).
The laboratory also uses DISTAV laboratories (core facilities) for electron microscopy and microanalysis (SEM-EDS), X-ray diffractometry on powders (XRPD), and mineral/rock samples preparation.
In the Laboratory, teaching activities are carried out for the following courses of the Master's Degree Courses in Geological Sciences and in Methodologies for the Conservation and Restoration of Cultural Heritage: a) "Methods of Investigation of Geomaterials"; b) "Mineralogy and Environmental Risk; c) Principles of Mineralogy Applied to Cultural Heritage; d) Laboratory of Mineralogy and Petrography