LOCATION: Building 8, III floor, Room 18
RESEARCH TOPICS: thermal and index properties of rocks (thermal conductivity, diffusivity, porosity and density), terrestrial heat-flow determination, temperature logging thermal modeling of heat and mass trasfer in the underground, natural radioactivity, climate change inferred from underground temperature records, geophysical exploration of geothermal fields, shallow geothermics
RESEARCH GROUP MEMBERS: Prof. M. Verdoya, Dr. Paolo Chiozzi
LINK TO RESEARCH LINES, PROJECTS AND PUBLICATIONS: https://distav.unige.it/en/node/706
Portable 256 channel NaI range scintillometer
Portable Bismuth Germanate gamma scintillometer (BGO) 2048 channels
laboratory NaI(Tl) scintillometer 2048 channels
Isomet 104 conductivity meter with needle probe
Conductivity meter "Transient divided bar"
Thermostatic pool and thermocouples
Resistance thermometers Pt 100 with cables of 100-200-300 m
Portable radon gas analyzer
TEACHING ACTIVITIES: Geothermics, Petrophysics