Historical Meteorological Observatory of the University of Genoa

The Meteorological Observatory of the University of Genoa has been in operation since January 1, 1833. The Observatory instruments have always remained on the terrace of the University Building in Via Balbi No. 5, in the city center of Genoa.
The measurements of precipitation and temperature carried out at the Meteorological Observatory of the University of Genoa represent one of the most reliable and complete Italian thermo - pluviometric series over 100 years old, as, as indicated by Cortemiglia (1997). These series do not show heterogeneity or anomalies in the trends data, as also indicated by the cumulative average precipitation perfectly distributed along a straight line (Cortemiglia, 1997). The Observatory also offers similar barometric and anemometric series over a hundred years old.

Distav (formerly Dister and DipTeRis) has been taking care of this important observatory, historical heritage of the city of Genoa and beyond, for decades, ensuring the continuity of all historical series, with meteorological measurements constantly aligned with the international quality standards.

Since 2021, the Historical Meteorological Observatory of the University of Genoa has joined the list of "Ultra-Centennial Observatories" recognized by the WMO (World Meteorological Organization).

GO to the Observatory Website

Last update 3 April 2023