Biodiversity and ecosystem functioning

The loss of biodiversity and its ecological consequences have become, in the last decades, central issues in the field of biological and environmental sciences, but also in economics and politics. From a scientific point of view, important progress has been made i) in describing the relationship between species diversity and ecosystem processes; ii) in identifying the roles of different species in the functioning of ecosystems; iii) in the identification and description of the mechanisms from which all this originates. From a political point of view, the European Union promotes the European Strategy for Biodiversity also through the support of the Natura 2000 Ecological Network and the new Nature Restoration Plan.

On these topics, DISTAV researchers carry out multiple research activities, including:
    1. Evaluation of genetic, taxonomic, phylogenetic and functional diversity (G. Bavestrello, M. Bertolino, F. Betti, M. Bo, G. Casazza, S. Di Piazza, L. Minuto, M. Montefalcone, S. Schiaparelli)
    2. Spatial distribution of species and/or habitats, assessment of change over time and analysis of the effect of local and global natural and/or anthropic factors (V. Asnaghi, G. Bavestrello, F. Betti, M. Bo, G. Casazza, M. Chiantore, A. Costa, L. Cornara, S. Di Piazza, L. Minuto, M. Mariotti, C. Misic, M. Montefalcone, C. Paoli, P. Povero, E. Roccotiello, P. Vassallo, S. Salvidio, M. Zotti)
    3. Assessments of natural capital and formulation of scenarios of change (of both the natural capital value and the functions and ecosystem services provided), through the application of biophysical and economic methods (C. Misic, C. Paoli, P. Povero, P. Vassallo)
    4. Decision support systems for the analysis of alternative management strategies (C. Paoli, P. Povero, P. Vassallo)
    5. Modeling of food webs in ecosystems and paleo-ecosystems and assessment of ecosystem health (V. Asnaghi, M. Bo, A. Briguglio, M. Montefalcone, C. Misic, C. Paoli, P. Povero, P. Vassallo)
    6. Ecological restoration of marine and terrestrial species and habitats (V. Asnaghi, M.Chiantore, L. Cornara, S. Di Piazza, M. Mariotti, L. Minuto, C. Misic, M. Montefalcone, E. Roccotiello, M. Zotti)
    7. Conservation and enhancement of biodiversity of agricultural, food and industrial interest (S. Di Piazza, E. Roccotiello, M. Zotti), with particular regard to ancient and local plant genetic resources (RGV) and their progenitors (CWR) (L. Cornara, M. Mariotti, L. Minuto, E. Roccotiello)
    8. Management and conservation of biodiversity, with particular regard to terrestrial and marine protected areas, and the deep sea (exploration, management plans, conservation measures, monitoring, interventions, planning) (V. Asnaghi, G. Bavestrello, F. Betti, M. Bo, M. Chiantore, S. Di Piazza, M. Mariotti, L. Minuto, M. Montefalcone, C. Paoli, P. Povero, P. Vassallo, E. Roccotiello, M. Zotti)

Last update 26 July 2024