LOCATION: Palazzina delle Scienze, 2nd Floor, Rooms II.31, II.32, II.34 e II.26
RESEARCH TOPICS: The laboratory of seismology of the University of Genoa was established in 1967 and, over the years, has developed "state of the art" methodologies and techniques in order to improve the knowledge in the seismological field.
The laboratory of seismology performs the collection, computerization of seismic and parametric data and the management of waveforms databases. It is also equipped with a seismic velocimetric and accelerometric temporary network for the rapid monitoring of seismic sequences in areas subject to strong earthquakes, explosions and induced vibrations. Over the years, it has increased its infrastructure by installing on the territory an increasing number of detection and acquisition equipments and it has refined analysis techniques for the automatic treatment of signals in real time that have allowed to obtain more and more accurate and reliable automatic monitoring procedures.
RESEARCH GROUP MEMBERS: Prof. Spallarossa Daniele, Prof. Ferretti Gabriele, Prof. Barani Simone, Dott. Scafidi Davide, Dott. Pavan Mauro, Dott. Capicchioni Valter
LINK TO RESEARCH LINES, PROJECTS AND PUBLICATIONS: https://distav.unige.it/rsni/staff.php?lang=en
LABORATORY EQUIPMENT: https://distav.unige.it/rsni/labsismo.php?lang=en
TEACHING ACTIVITIES: Courses of the Bachelor and Master's Degree Courses in Geological Sciences: Terrestrial Physics, Earthquake Dynamics, Seismic Risk and Microzonation, Applied Seismology