LOCATION: Palazzina delle Scienze, floor 1, room I.11
The ZEBRAFISH FACILITY is a core facility of DISTAV, and is used for teaching, research (in particular international and national projects), third party services and agreements.
The animal house is authorized to house fish, specifically Danio rerio, which are used for scientific research projects approved by the Ministry of Health.
Responsible: Prof. Simona Candiani
Other staff: Prof. Sara Ferrando, Dr. Matteo Bozzo, Dr. Andrea Amaroli.
The room used for housing and rearing contains a home-made recirculation system consisting of 20 tanks of 3.5-liters produced specifically for the housing and rearing of specimens of Danio rerio (Tecniplast, Italy). Up to 15 animals can be housed in each tank.
There is also an Active Blue Stand Alone system by Techniplast with 40 tanks and touch screen system with a remote monitoring system for temperature and pH control. An osmosis apparatus connected to the system allows the recirculation of very high-quality water. One A microinjection apparatus and one bright-field dissecting microscopes are also available for the genetic manipulation of embryos.
Many 1st and 2nd level teaching activities within BIO Courses is are carrie

d out with embryos obtained by mating zebrafish adults in the core facilty.
However, access to the Zebrafish Facility is allowed only to authorized persons: it is therefore forbidden to introduce unauthorized persons without first contacting the Responsible of the Center Facility.